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Kingman Car Accident Lawyers

A car accident can leave you facing many different issues. Who will be at fault and liable for the accident? How will you ensure you are receiving the medical care that you need? How can you protect your rights to compensation for your injuries and damages?

If you find yourself in a car crash in or around Kingman, Arizona, the impact on your life can be immense, but you don’t have to navigate the aftermath by yourself. With the assistance of a seasoned personal injury lawyer, you can pursue compensation for your injuries, safeguard your legal interests, and concentrate on your road to recovery.

What Are Some Reasons for Car Accidents in Kingman?

An accident in or around Kingman might happen for various reasons. Some are because of mistakes, driver errors, or careless driving, while others result from road conditions, car issues, or unexpected situations. Here are some of the most common reasons for Kingman car accidents:

  • Speeding or driving too fast under the circumstances
  • Not giving the right of way, merging unsafely, failing to check blind spots, or moving into another car’s path while unsafe to do so
  • Ignoring traffic signals, signs, or stops, or otherwise breaking the laws of traffic, ultimately leading to an accident
  • Reckless or negligent driving, such as being indifferent to the safety of others on the road
  • Aggressive driving, such as tailgating or cutting off other cars
  • Road rage, where aggressive driving turns dangerous, including things like ramming or forcing someone off the road
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Distracted driving, such as driving while using a phone, eating, or doing other things while driving
  • Mechanical or other car issues that can be attributed to the cause of the crash
  • Poor road conditions, low visibility, or poor weather

What Are Some Common Types of Injuries from a Kingman Car Accident

A car accident in or around Kingman may leave you with personal injuries, some of which may be severe. In some cases, even catastrophic. Often, these injuries will require significant medical care, therapy, and rest in order to recover. In some cases, full recovery is not possible, which means life-changing, perhaps even fatal, injuries after the accident. There are many different personal injuries that can result from a car accident, such as the following:

  • Head injuries, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries
  • Back, neck, and spinal injuries, sometimes including partial or full paralysis
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Injuries to internal organs or internal bleeding
  • Limb amputations
  • Burns
  • Road rash and other abrasions
  • Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries
  • Scars or disfigurement
  • In the most extreme cases, wrongful death

How Does Compensation Work After a Kingman Car Accident?

Following a Kingman car accident, your injuries may leave you with considerable financial losses. You may need to spend money on hospital stays, doctor’s visits, and medication. You may need medical imaging and testing, referrals to specialists, and other types of medical care. You may also need physical, occupational, or other types of therapy after you are released, along with potentially nursing care or home health care.

In addition to medical damages, a Kingman car accident can leave you with damage to your vehicle that requires repair or replacement. You might also lose income if you are unable to work after your accident, further compounding your financial losses. Moreover, you might be entitled to general damages, such as those dealing with pain and suffering, the decline in your overall well-being and quality of life, and your inability to participate in activities that you once enjoyed.

In order to recover compensation for your damages, you will need to prove the full extent of your damages. This is one of the many reasons you should consult with a knowledgeable car accident attorney, who will be able to accurately assess the extent and value of your damages.

You will also need to prove that the other party was at fault for the accident and liable for your injuries. Generally, this is accomplished through proving a negligence claim, which requires you to show that the other driver breached their duty of reasonable care to you on the road, directly causing your injuries and damages.

How Do You Prove a Car Accident Claim?

Generally, in order to present a valid claim after a car accident, you will need to prove the elements of negligence, which requires you to prove the following four elements:

  1. A duty of reasonable care towards you on the road
  2. Breach of duty, meaning the other party acted in a way that deviated from reasonable care
  3. Causation, meaning the other party’s actions directly caused your injuries
  4. Damages, which are the financial losses you have suffered as a result of your injuries

Steps To Take After a Car Accident in Kingman

After a Kingman car accident, it is imperative that you take certain steps in order to protect your legal rights, make sure you receive the medical care you need, and recover compensation for your injuries.

At the scene of the accident, you should:

  • Pull to safety, assess the scene, and call the authorities
  • Seek out the medical assistance you need — even if you feel fine at first, some injuries may take some time to show up, and it is important to fully understand their impact on your health and well-being
  • Take photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and any damage to your vehicle or personal property
  • Get contact information for the other party, as well as their insurance information
  • Ask witnesses to write down or record a statement of what they observed at the scene

After the accident, you should:

  • Continue to seek out the medical care you need, including any hospital treatments, medical testing and imaging, doctor’s visits, specialist care, and therapy
  • Consult with an experienced and knowledgeable Kingman personal injury attorney, who can discuss your legal rights, options, and potential next steps with you
  • Write down or record your own statement of what happened while it is still fresh in your mind
  • Keep meticulous records of the accident, including any reports, correspondence, and witness statements, as well as any bills or invoices that help show the full extent of your injuries and damages
  • Work with your attorney to file an insurance claim, along with any lawsuits that may be needed in order to protect your right to compensation

Why Call Torgenson Law for Help with Your Kingman Car Accident Claim?

After a Kingman car accident, you may be faced with significant injuries, financial losses, and long-lasting, sometimes life-changing trauma. It is crucial to seek guidance from a lawyer regarding the necessary steps to safeguard your legal rights. Insurance companies have substantial legal and financial resources, which poses an incredible challenge when dealing with them on your own.

A seasoned Kingman car accident lawyer can skillfully negotiate with insurers on your behalf, striving for a just and equitable outcome. By enlisting the support of an attorney, you can defend your legal interests and receive expert counsel as you work towards reclaiming stability in your life.

At Torgenson Law, we have over 20 years of experience representing injury clients throughout Arizona.  We focus solely on personal injury, giving us a deep understanding of all the laws, processes, and practices necessary for our clients to be successful. We understand that a car accident can leave you with debilitating, often life-changing injuries, along with significant financial impacts on your life. After a car accident, you need a legal team on your side that will help negotiate with even the toughest defendants and insurers toward a favorable resolution.

We believe that constant communication is a vital part of the attorney-client relationship.  We strive to keep the lines of communication with our clients open and always provide updates at each stage of every case.  When you are hurt, you need lawyers who will have your back every single step of the way. Call us for a free consultation in your case, or request one online.