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Show Low Bike Accident Lawyers

When the weather gets nice, the desire to get on your bicycle and ride for miles becomes greater. Riding a bike is a wonderful way to commute, enjoy the fresh air, and add some exercise to your routine. That said, bicycle riders face unique dangers every time they hit the road.

Bicycle accidents can cause severe injuries that have the potential to develop into long-lasting complications. If you or a loved one have suffered harm in a bike accident, do not hesitate to discuss your situation with a seasoned personal injury attorney in Show Low.

Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Bike accidents are often the result of negligence. Determining the cause of your crash can provide answers as to whose negligent actions or inaction resulted in your accident, assisting you in your pursuit of fair compensation.

Many bicycle accidents happen due to driver negligence. Drivers owe others on the road a duty to drive carefully and responsibly to prevent collisions and injuries. When drivers neglect that duty, bicycle accidents are more likely to occur. All of the following driver behaviors contribute to bike crashes:

  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Fatigued driving
  • Failure to yield
  • Dangerous turns

Along with risky driving behaviors, bicycle accidents can also happen as a result of hazardous road conditions, including:

  • Large potholes and sinkholes
  • Improperly designed or placed sewer grates
  • Loose debris, gravel, and sand
  • Road construction
  • Uneven road surfaces
  • Poor drainage

If dangerous road conditions cause a bike crash, the city or other governmental entity could be responsible. A proper investigation can reveal cause and fault concerning your accident, allowing you to pursue justice and financial recovery from the appropriate party.

What Are the Most Common Injuries After a Bicycle Accident?

Bicycle accidents can be extremely detrimental. Because bikes don’t offer any protection, riders are more likely to suffer substantial, life-altering injuries. Sometimes, in serious cases, these injuries can lead to lasting complications.

Some of the injuries bicycle riders most often sustain in accidents include, but are not limited to:

  • Road rash
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Head and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Back and spinal cord injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Crush injuries

Recovering from bicycle accident injuries is possible, but in some cases, a full recovery is not possible. Bike accident victims can suffer lifelong consequences from their injuries, which could include:

  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Brain damage
  • Cognitive impairments
  • Amputations
  • Paralysis
  • Chronic pain
  • Nerve damage

Unfortunately, one of the biggest challenges facing bicycle crash victims is finances. Getting proper medical care for your accident injuries can be particularly costly. Furthermore, it’s not uncommon for bicycle accident victims to require long-term treatment, adding to medical costs.

Obtaining favorable compensation can help relieve much of the financial burdens placed on you and your family after a bicycle accident. This is one of the primary reasons it’s essential to seek legal representation soon after a bike crash.

What Should I Do if I Am Injured in a Bicycle Accident?

If you sustain injuries in a bicycle accident, you may feel overwhelmed, stressed, and unsure of the next steps. It’s important to remain calm and thoroughly think before you do or say anything. Your actions and words can impact your case. Therefore, it’s helpful to get personalized guidance from a qualified attorney.

The following steps can help guide you on what to do if you’re injured in a bicycle accident.

Call 911

First and foremost, you should always call 911 after a bicycle accident. Even if the other party tries to dissuade you from contacting law enforcement, it’s a critical step.

Police presence can provide some peace during a turbulent time. Law enforcement officers can assist you in any way they can and answer your questions. They’ll survey the scene and collect pertinent details concerning your accident.

In the days following your collision, officers use the information they gather to generate a police report. Police reports often play crucial roles in accident cases, as they can provide clarity and answers, especially regarding cause and fault.

Receive Medical Attention

If you’ve suffered injuries in a bicycle accident, you should receive emergency medical care at the scene. When you or someone else call 911, inform the operator of what’s occurred and ask for emergency medical services.

EMTs can render aid upon their arrival. They can treat your injuries and provide recommendations based on the severity of your injuries. If they feel you would benefit from additional medical care by doctors and nurses, they can transport you to the nearest hospital for further treatment.

Collect Information and Evidence

Start gathering evidence and documentation as soon as you’re able. Ideally, you would get some evidence from the scene of the accident, like photos, videos, and witness contact information, but your injuries may leave you unable to do so. If someone can assist you, ask them to get as much evidence as possible on your behalf.

In the days following your crash, continue collecting any information you believe may be relevant and helpful for your case. Pertinent evidence could include medical bills, doctors’ notes, and police reports. Once you hire a lawyer, your attorney can continue gathering evidence as it becomes available.

Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

After sustaining injuries in a bicycle accident, meeting with a lawyer may be the furthest thing from your mind. While your physical recovery should be a top priority, consulting with an attorney shouldn’t be too far behind.

A personal injury lawyer plays many vital roles in your case. At the outset, they can provide much-needed advice and guidance, and they can address your most pressing questions and concerns. As your case progresses, they will aggressively protect your rights and work toward the most favorable case result.

What Are My Rights as a Bicyclist in Show Low?

Bicyclists, while different from vehicle drivers, are not seen much differently. Cyclists are expected to follow the same traffic laws and road rules as every other driver, and they are also owed the same respect as everyone else on the road.

Bicycle riders have the same rights as motor vehicle drivers in Arizona. Every driver must show others on the road a certain level of care, driving responsibly to avoid putting others in danger. Cyclists have the right to get this same level of respect and care.

Additionally, if you’re injured in a bicycle accident, you have the same rights as other accident victims. You can take action, file a claim or lawsuit, and pursue justice and compensation for the other party’s wrongdoing.

Pursuing Compensation Following a Bicycle Accident

If you’re injured in a bicycle accident in Show Low, you may have no idea where to start regarding your pursuit of fair compensation. While a personal injury attorney can provide a tailored approach to your case, it’s helpful to understand how accident claims work in Arizona.

When it comes to accidents, states are either considered fault states or no-fault states. In no-fault states, no one is initially considered “at fault” for an accident, and you’d file for compensation through your own insurance. If it is later proven the other party was at fault, your insurance could seek reimbursement.

In a fault state, on the other hand, you have the right to file a claim against the at-fault driver’s insurance. You can file a third-party claim for compensation and pursue monetary recovery directly from the responsible party’s insurer. Arizona is a fault state.

After sustaining injuries in a bicycle accident, you must determine what caused your accident and who would be at fault. If another driver caused your collision, you could file a claim through their auto insurance.

If another party is to blame for your accident — a governmental entity, for example — it could be a bit more challenging to acquire compensation. There are typically special provisions in place when it comes to filing a claim against the government. Your injury lawyer can determine how to pursue compensation from the entity responsible for your bicycle accident.

Insurance Claim vs. Personal Injury Lawsuit

It’s common to wonder whether your journey toward compensation for your bicycle accident will take you down the path toward an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit. In reality, it depends on the situation.

If circumstances permit, you can start by filing an insurance claim. You can file a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance, providing information and evidence to help strengthen your claim. The insurance company assigns an adjuster to investigate, and depending on their findings, they’ll either approve or deny your claim.

If your claim is approved, you must ensure the insurance company is willing to settle for a fair amount. If not, you can take additional steps to seek what you’re entitled to. If the insurer denies your claim, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the end of the road — you may have other options.

Often, filing a personal injury lawsuit becomes necessary, depending on the outcome of the insurance claim. If the insurance company isn’t willing to settle the claim for a beneficial amount or they deny a valid claim, you can take further legal action against the insurer.

Additionally, if filing an insurance claim isn’t an option, you may have to skip straight to filing your claim in court. This is situational and depends on the at-fault party.

While filing a personal injury lawsuit can be more time-consuming, it is often the best way to continue your pursuit of favorable monetary recovery. Navigating a lawsuit can be difficult, but your personal injury attorney has the skills and resources to handle everything on your behalf.

What if My Bicycle Accident was a Hit-and-Run?

Unfortunately, many bicycle accidents are hit and run. A hit-and-run accident is one involving an at-fault driver hitting a bicyclist and fleeing the scene of the crash.

In Arizona, like in many other states, it is illegal for a driver to cause an accident resulting in injuries and leave the accident scene. Drivers have a duty to stop, render aid, and give the victim their information. Fleeing the scene of an accident can result in serious criminal trouble.

If your accident is a hit-and-run, that only adds to your frustration. You likely don’t know the identity of the driver that caused your accident, which could cause some additional challenges in your pursuit of compensation.

Still, all hope is not lost. Your attorney will work diligently to find the at-fault party. Certain evidence, like witness statements and traffic cam footage, can provide answers. In addition, your lawyer can create a plan to help you get the monetary recovery you need.

What if I Lost a Loved One in a Bike Accident?

If a bicycle accident claimed your loved one’s life, you may also have legal options to pursue compensation for your devastating losses. A bicycle accident attorney can examine the specifics of your case and determine the best course of action, which often includes filing a personal injury lawsuit.

What Damages Am I Entitled to After a Bicycle Accident?

Your damages are related to your injuries and losses. Depending on your situation, you may be entitled to seek certain damages, including economic and non-economic damages.

Some of the damages you may have the opportunity to obtain after a bicycle accident include, but are not limited to:

  • Present and future medical expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Diminished earning potential
  • Property damage
  • Disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

In some special cases, you may have the opportunity to pursue punitive damages. These special damages are available in cases where the defendant acted with intention, ill will, or knowledge that their actions would likely result in serious harm. Punitive damages primarily serve as punishment for the defendant’s wrongdoing.

Your personal injury lawyer can determine the value of your bicycle accident claim based on certain factors, including the severity of your injuries and the consequences of these injuries. You can trust your attorney will do everything possible to get you the compensation you need to cover your accident-related losses.

How Long Do I Have to File a Bicycle Accident Claim?

Following a bicycle accident, you only have a short amount of time to seek justice and financial recovery. This time is dictated by the state’s statute of limitations, a law imposing a strict time restriction upon plaintiffs wishing to file claims in court.

In general, Arizona law provides bicycle accident victims two years to file their lawsuits. However, do not be deterred by this timeline. Instead, simply keep in mind there is a limited amount of time to file your claim and pursue legal assistance as soon as possible after your crash.

Different scenarios create different timelines. Therefore, it’s critical to speak with a personal injury attorney after your bike collision for guidance.

Taking Legal Action for a Bicycle Accident in Show Low

After a bicycle accident in Show Low, you don’t have to feel stuck in the tension and confusion. Help is more accessible than you may think. Seeking legal representation can have a strong positive impact on your claim and your peace of mind.

If you sustain injuries caused by a negligent party, you should not hesitate to take action. A personal injury lawyer can give you the direction and answers you need to feel confident moving forward with a claim for compensation.

The Show Low bike accident Lawyers at Torgenson Law are ready to assist you with your case. We have over two decades of experience representing injured clients throughout Arizona. Our attorneys value care and compassion, fierce advocacy, and honest communication throughout every case. We’re ready to fight for you.

Contact Torgenson Law online today or call 602-726-0747 to schedule your consultation, and let’s discuss how we can help you.