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3 Reasons to Call an Attorney Immediately after an Accident

November 1, 2016

After an accident, victims often wonder whether and when they should contact an attorney. Fortunately, the answers to both of these questions are straightforward – you should always call a lawyer after you are involved in an accident and you should do so as soon as you can. Some of the reasons that it is important to call an attorney immediately after an accident are discussed below.

1. Waiting Can Result in the Loss or Destruction of Evidence

In many accident cases, it is necessary to collect and present evidence that indicates that the other party was at fault. If you wait to call an attorney, it may risk the loss or destruction of evidence critical to the success of your case. For example, an eyewitness to your accident may forget details after a few weeks or months and surveillance footage can be regularly deleted.

2. A Strong Case Can Take Months or to Prepare

In Arizona, personal injury claims are subject to a strict two-year statute of limitations. If you fail to file an accident claim within two years from the date of your injury, you will almost certainly forfeit your right to recover for your losses. If your case is contested, your lawyer may need several months to build the strongest case possible to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. For this reason, it is best to retain a lawyer as soon as you can after an accident occurs.

3. The Sooner You Call an Attorney, the Sooner You Can Focus on Your Recovery

The amount of time and effort that dealing with a personal injury claim can take comes as a surprise to many victims. When you retain an attorney, he or she will handle every aspect of your case on your behalf, allowing you to focus on your recovery. Some of the things that your AZ Criminal defense attorney will do include the following:

  • Evaluate your case and determine what it may be worth
  • Investigate your claim and gather evidence like witness statements, reports, photographs, surveillance footage, or other items that establish fault
  • Communicate with the insurance company that is handling your case
  • Negotiate a settlement that adequately compensates you for your losses
  • File a lawsuit on your behalf

Call Torgenson Law to Schedule a Free Consultation

If you have been hurt in an accident caused by the carelessness or recklessness of another person, you should speak to an attorney as soon as you can. To schedule a free case evaluation with one of our Phoenix personal injury attorneys, call our injury lawyers at Torgenson Law today at (602) 726-0747 or send us an email through our online contact form.

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