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7 Quotes That Will Motivate You This Week

June 29, 2015

Life can be tough.  As Arizona personal injury attorneys, we help people who have had something devastating happen to themselves or their family.  We help them piece their lives back together and give them some semblance of being made whole.  Our clients are inspirations to us.

We all need some motivation.  At Torgenson Law,  we start our weeks with a team meeting, and we have a quote that inspires us to be the best human beings and firm we can be for our clients.  We talk about what it means to us, and how we can implement them to do right by our clients.  Here are seven pieces of inspiration to help you get going today.

1.  Teddy – The Man In The Arena.

2.  Rocky – Advice For His Son.

3.  Yoda, He Is.

4.  Rudy…Rudy…Rudy…

5.  Follow Your Heart.

6.  Goals, Not Things.

7.  Ridiculous, Sickening Work Ethic.

Have an awesome week.  Enjoy it.  Dig in and make some change.  Don’t try.  Do it.  Follow your dreams, your heart, your goals, work hard, and never give up.

Call Torgenson Law to Schedule a Free Consultation

Torgenson Law is an Arizona Personal Injury Law Firm.  We fight for good people who have been hurt.  Let us Fight For You.