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Truck Accidents

Car Accidents vs. Truck Accidents: How Are They Different?

Anytime a person is behind the wheel of their vehicle, the last thing they expect is that an accident will occur. However, car accidents and truck accidents occur regularly in the state of Arizona, though there are vast differences between these two types of incidents....
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Driver Liability for Commercial Truck Accidents

February 6, 2021
The aftermath of an accident involving a large commercial truck can be incredibly confusing for those involved. If the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company caused a crash, it is crucial for victims to be able to secure compensation for...
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Do I Need An Attorney To Litigate My Truck Accident Case?

February 2, 2021
Truck accidents are often devastating for those involved. These large trucks can lead to severe injuries in the event they collide with smaller passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, victims in these cases are often left going up against well-funded trucking companies, aggressive insurance carriers, and legal teams....
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Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury After an Accident

Traumatic brain injuries can result in significant physical, cognitive, and emotional injuries for a victim. Brain injuries occur in a wide variety of ways in Arizona. There are various signs and symptoms that indicate a person has sustained a significant brain injury. Some of these...
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Are Punitive Damages Available in Arizona Truck Accident Claims?

June 10, 2020
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company, you need to know what steps to take to recover compensation. Importantly, you need to understand what kind of compensation is available...
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