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How much is my case worth? 

January 3, 2023

Unfortunately, there is no exact “formula” to determine the value of a claim. However, the primary function of a personal injury lawyer is to evaluate and analyze multiple factors in order to determine the value of your specific case. Those factors include: 

  • The severity of your injury. 
  • The total value of your medical bills and projected costs of future healthcare. 
  • The extent to which your injury has impacted your future. 
  • The amount of expenses incurred as a result of the injury, such as hospital and medical bills, rehabilitation costs, prescription drug costs, lost wages and lost earning capacity. 
  • The physical and emotional pain and suffering you have and are experiencing.
  • The percentage you are found to be at-fault.  

If you have been injured, discuss the facts of your case with an attorney who can assess your damages, find out how much money you may be owed and explain your legal options.