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Passenger Injuries: These Four Tips Could Save Your Life

April 29, 2016

Being a passenger in a vehicle is a feeling of powerlessness. You cannot control the behavior of the driver or react to the road around you. Because of this, sometimes as a passenger you might be injured in an accident through no fault of your own. Even though passenger deployed airbags can save lives they can just as much injure the individual.

Though drivers bear the fault if any accident were to occur it is important for the passenger to take the necessary steps for safety. We’ve put together four tips for you to keep in mind:

Always Wear Your Seatbelt. This should go without saying. Fastening your seatbelt should be the first thing you do when you get into the car. Passenger air bags may protect you but the seatbelt will save your life in case of a collision. Seatbelts aren’t just important for the front passenger but every passenger in the vehicle.

Handle Navigation. If you’re driving with a friend or relative you should take the initiative and have the directions for where you’re going already queued up. By doing this you give the driver one less thing to worry about.

You Should Probably Handle Everything.  Whether it’s the radio, taking phone calls, picking up a loose water bottle, or anything that doesn’t have to do with driving you should take charge.

Keep The Driver Alert. If you begin to see the driver becoming drowsy or losing attention on the road let them know. Not only would you be looking out for their safety but yours as well.

When a passenger is injured in an accident it is often hard for the passenger to blame the driver when it is a friend or close relative. You should know that an injured passenger has the right to sue the driver that caused the accident regardless of whether or not they were sitting in the at-fault driver’s car. If you are involved in a multi-car accident then you can make a claim against multiple drivers.

Call Torgenson Law to Schedule a Free Consultation

If a personal injury situation has happened to you then it is important that you employ aggressive personal injury lawyers. Give us a call today at (602) 726-0747 and let us give you the peace of mind you deserve.