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Calculating Damages for Pain and Suffering in Truck Accident Cases

May 12, 2022

Accidents involving larger commercial trucks often result in severe injuries for drivers and passengers in the state of Arizona. If a person is harmed due to the negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company, they should be able to recover compensation for their losses. This not only includes compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages, but also compensation for various types of non-economic pain and suffering losses.

What is Pain and Suffering After a Truck Accident?

The term “pain and suffering” is used quite often in the aftermath of a vehicle accident, but it is rarely fully understood. When most people think of these horrific accidents involving larger commercial trucks, they think of calculable expenses such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage expenses. These are considered “economic damages.” 

However, pain and suffering damages, also referred to as “non-economic damages,” are more immeasurable expenses in the aftermath of a truck accident. We say that they are immeasurable because there may not necessarily be bills or receipts that can add up a person’s non-economic losses. There is no precise or scientific method for calculating these damages. The value of these damages vary from case to case.

Under the umbrella of non-economic or pain and suffering damages include a truck accident victim’s:

  • Physical pain and suffering damages
  • Emotional and psychological pain and suffering damages
  • Loss of enjoyment of life damages
  • Loss of consortium or companionship for a spouse and family members

Calculating Pain and Suffering After a Crash

As we mentioned above, these damages are typically less concrete and more immeasurable losses resulting from a truck accident. This makes them a bit harder to calculate. However, it is very important to adequately compensate a person for their pain and suffering because these losses are very real.

Ultimately, calculating pain and suffering after a crash will come down to a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • the severity of your injuries
  • the length and/or invasiveness of your treatment
  • the impact your injuries and pain had on your daily tasks
  • the impact your injuries have on your typical social activities
  • the impact your injuries have on your relationships with others

Because pain and suffering damages can be so difficult to calculate, it is crucial to have an experienced attorney on your side. Our Arizona Injury Lawyers will ensure that every aspect of your damages are accounted for when making your personal injury claim.

Working With an Attorney

Call Torgenson Law Free case evaluation

If you or somebody you care about has been injured in an accident caused by the negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company in Arizona, you need to contact an attorney immediately. These cases are incredibly challenging, particularly when it comes to determining how much compensation a person should receive. Adequately calculating pain and suffering losses is crucial. A lawyer will work with trusted medical, financial, and economic experts to ensure that their client is thoroughly evaluated and taken care of.

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