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Thanksgiving Safety

November 25, 2015 By John Torgenson

Ahh Thanksgiving, a most wonderful time of delicious food, beer, and football. Imagine yourself gathered around the dinner table with your family and friends planning to devour the gathering of meats (and vegetables, whatever floats your boat) that will last many moons after you have finished. Now stop imagining that, focus on getting home safely, and making sure the food you cook is harmless for everyone.

As a personal injury firm we want you to enjoy Thanksgiving with your family by traveling safely and making sure the food that is prepared will keep you safe from illness. To do so we think you should follow some of these tips to help mitigate the chances of unnecessary personal injury.


1.     Obviously DO NOT drink and drive. Just please, don’t do it.

2.     Also don’t get distracted by your cell phone. Give your full-undivided attention to the road.

3.     Plan ahead if you’re driving to Grandma’s house. Make sure you have the directions double-checked and have mapped out a way to avoid construction or dangerous weather.

4.     Observe the speed limits posted on the highway. If you are driving to fast or too slow then you will increase your chances of getting into an accident.

5.     If it is a long trip be sure to make frequent stops. Rotate drivers if needed, and if you are driving alone and become tired pull over and rest until you are 100%.


1.     Don’t be the person who messes up the turkey. Make sure you browse carefully for the right turkey. Buy one to two days ahead if necessary.

2.     Wash your hands with soap and water before and after you handle the food.

3.     Keep all surfaces and utensils clean. Put some elbow strength into it if you really want to get the table clean.

4.     Keep children at a safe distance when cooking. The kitchen isn’t always the safest place. Be sure to keep sharp objects such as knives out of reach. And never leave a child unattended near a source of fire.

5.     Store the leftovers within two hours of the last person to grab a bite. The food can safely be consumed within three days after storage but any time after that you should probably move the leftovers to the freezer.

One last tip is to be careful while enjoying your meal. Thanksgiving is a mostly social gathering attended by friends and family. There will be laughing, talking, and joking around so be careful while you are eating to prevent choking from occurring. If choking does occur find someone who is CPR certified to perform life saving maneuvers. If no such person is present call 911.

Call Torgenson Law to Schedule a Free Consultation

This Thanksgiving we are thankful for our friends, family, and readers who enjoy the tips of this blog. Stay safe this week, be vigilante, but most of all have fun. If you do happen to, unfortunately, experience an injury matter you will need an aggressive Arizona personal injury lawyer to fight on your behalf. Give us a call at (602) 726-0747. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

John Torgenson portrait

John Torgenson

John Torgenson is a highly experienced personal injury lawyer with over 20 years of practice in Arizona. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and his Juris Doctor from Notre Dame. John has a proven track record of securing substantial verdicts and settlements, including an $8.25 million recovery for a gunshot injury victim. His expertise has earned him AVVO ratings and recognition as a Super Lawyer.

John is also a sought-after lecturer on personal injury law, sharing his extensive knowledge with peers and aspiring attorneys. Beyond his legal practice, John is an avid golfer and actively supports organizations like the Military Assistance Mission, Arizona School for the Arts, Page Balloon Regatta, University of Arizona Foundation, Junior Achievement of Arizona, and the Tim Huff Pro Bono Golf Classic.

Passionate about advocating for injury victims, John dedicates his career to battling insurance companies and corporate interests, ensuring that the rights of those who are hurt are vigorously defended.